Michaelmas Term Lecture 2024
Michaelmas Term Lecture 2024 The Centre hosts the following lecture (Wednesday 30th October 2024 at 5.15pm in the Memorial Room, Queen’ s): Dr Annick Payne (Università Ca’ Foscari…

Oxford Medieval Manuscripts Group seminar
We are pleased to announce that our colleagues of the Oxford Medieval Manuscripts Group are organising a new seminar series aiming to foster a community at Oxford, and beyond,…

New publication: Manuscript and Text Cultures, vol. 2.2
The Centre is pleased to announce the release of the second issue of the second volume of the journal Manuscript and Text Cultures (‘Writing orality’). The issue can be…
Manuscript and Text Cultures included in DOAJ
The Centre is pleased to announce that our journal Manuscript and Text Cultures has just been accepted for inclusion in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). DOAJ is…

Provenance Unknown: HT24 Lecture
Provenance Unknown – a lecture series hosted by the Centre for Manuscript and Text Cultures, The Queen’s College, Oxford The ethics of publishing unprovenanced manuscripts is a hotly contested…

Crafting Documents Project Launch
The Centre will host the Crafting Documents Project Launch event on the 2nd of February at 3pm in the Memorial Room of The Queen’s College. The speakers will be…

Conference ‘Articulation of Silence from a Gendered Perspective’
The Centre will host the international conference ‘Articulation of Silence from a Gendered Perspective’ on the 26th, 27th, and 28th of September. The main objective of this conference is…

MTC invites submission of articles
Due to the high volume of readers of our first two issues, we gladly announce that the Journal for Manuscript and Text Cultures (MTC) is now moving from one to two…

Provenance Unknown: A New CMTC Lecture Series
The CMTC is proud to announce a new lecture series: ‘Provenance: Unknown’. The new lecture series on unprovenanced manuscripts/inscriptions seeks to gather a wide range of voices from academics…