As part of its mission to promote exchange and collaboration between scholars, CMTC organizes regular lectures and colloquia. The lectures provide a chance to invite notable scholars from different institutions in the UK and abroad to present on topics that correlate with the diverse inter-disciplinary interests of the CMTC community. The colloquia provide an opportunity for current graduate students and young academics to talk about their ongoing work.


Hilary Term Lecture 2025
The Centre hosts the following lecture: Dr Elizabeth Frood (Oxford), ‘An unexpected script for an unexpected text: the tomb autobiography of the Egyptian Royal Secretary Tjay’ Abstract: Sometime between…

Oxford Medieval Manuscripts Group – Hilary Term 2025
Oxford Medieval Manuscripts Group – Hilary Term 2025 Fridays 5 pm (unless otherwise stated) Week 1, 24 January, 15:00 Balliol Historic Collections Centre Visit Previous experience…