Oxford Medieval Manuscripts Group seminar
22 April 2024
We are pleased to announce that our colleagues of the Oxford Medieval Manuscripts Group are organising a new seminar series aiming to foster a community at Oxford, and beyond, among students of medieval manuscripts. The seminars will take place on Fridays at 17:00, at Merton College, unless otherwise specified.
Friday 26 April 2024 (1st Week, Trinity Term), at 17:00 (Weston Library): Martin Kauffmann (Bodleian Library), ‘A. C. (Tilly) de la Mare and the Formation of a Palaeographer’.
Friday 10 May 2024 (3rd Week, Trinity Term): Sara Charles (University of London), ‘Pigments and Illumination in the Middle Ages (practice-based)’.
Friday 17 May 2024 (4th Week, Trinity Term), at 11:00 (Merton College): Catherine Yvard (National Art Library), ‘Illuminated Manuscript Cuttings at the V&A, London’.
Friday 7 June 2024 (7th Week, Trinity Term): Work in Progress Meeting: Antonia Della Fratte (University of Padua), ‘Gustav F. Waagen Tours of Britain: Describing Illuminated MSS in Oxford’
For further information on the seminar, please check the following page: https://talks.ox.ac.uk/talks/series/id/df485bd9-62b9-4beb-83f3-2cc238e003c9
The seminar is one of the activities promoted by the Oxford Medieval Studies forum. For further information on the forum, please check the following page: https://medieval.ox.ac.uk/. The complete termly booklet of their activities can be found at the following page: https://users.ox.ac.uk/~fmml2152/medieval/MedievalBooklet-TT2024.pdf.