Manuscript and Text Cultures available in University of Oxford Online Store
20 January 2023
Manuscript and Text Cultures (MTC), the Journal of the Centre for Manuscript and Text Cultures (CMTC) at The Queen’s College in the University of Oxford, is now available for purchase in the University of Oxford Online Store (https://www.oxforduniversitystores.co.uk/product-catalogue/oriental-studies/centre-for-manuscript-and-text-cultures-cmtc/manuscript-and-text-cultures-mtc). Registered subscribers to MTC become Associate Members of CMTC. Associate Members are entitled to propose workshops and conferences related to pre-modern manuscript and epigraphic studies that will be hosted at CMTC. In addition, Associate Members can propose new themes for upcoming issues of MTC and nominate themselves as issue editors. Institutional subscription entitles the members of the subscribing institution to benefit from the academic opportunities offered by CMTC.
Individual subscription to MTC is 40.00 GBP yearly. Institutional subscription to MTC is 90.00 GBP yearly.
Manuscript and Text Cultures is published with the support of The Queen’s College, Oxford, the JJC Foundation, New York, and the Faculty of AMES, University of Oxford.
Manuscript and Text Cultures: Each issue of MTC is devoted to a particular set of questions that are addressed globally. Articles are at once specialised and interdisciplinary, and led by the common goal of enabling long-term research on how knowledge and meaning are shaped and sustained by material conditions, past and present. As a platform for international researchers to engage in close dialogue across their areas of expertise and inform each other about approaches and theories developed in their various subject areas, the goal of MTC is to generate discussions that cross subject boundaries and contribute to the theoretical understanding of material text cultures and their impact on knowledge production in global literate societies. With our multidisciplinary approach, crossing traditional academic divisions, we hope to cast light on the deep structures of human behaviours in material knowledge production, past and present.