Lectures and Colloquia
Hilary Term Lecture 2025
The Centre hosts the following lecture: Dr Elizabeth Frood (Oxford), ‘An unexpected script for an unexpected text: the tomb autobiography of the Egyptian Royal Secretary Tjay’ Abstract: Sometime between…
Oxford Medieval Manuscripts Group – Hilary Term 2025
Oxford Medieval Manuscripts Group – Hilary Term 2025 Fridays 5 pm (unless otherwise stated) Week 1, 24 January, 15:00 Balliol Historic Collections Centre Visit Previous experience…
“Work in Progress” colloquium – Hilary Term 2025
The Centre hosts the following two speakers:
1. Dr Riccardo Montalto (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
2. Holly Dempster-Edwards (University of Liverpool)
Provenance Unknown: Michaelmas Term 2024 Lecture
The Centre hosts the following lecture: Christopher Whittick,‘“I found it in a skip” – provenance and priorities in British archives’ In a career in county archives spanning 44 years, Christopher…
Michaelmas Term Lecture 2024
The Centre hosts the following lecture: Dr Annick Payne (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia), ‘Anatolian Hieroglyphs: Drawing a Picture of the Ancient Mind’ The Anatolian Hieroglyphic script, a mixed logo-phonetic…
“Work in Progress” colloquium – Trinity Term 2025
The Centre hosts the following two speakers:
1. Dr Laure Miolo (Lincoln, Oxford)
2. Aditi Gupta (Exeter, Oxford)
“Work in Progress” colloquium – Michaelmas Term 2024
The Centre hosts the following two talks:
1. Julia Lorenz (Merton College, Oxford), ‘Konrad of Wüzrburg’s “Herzmaere”: An Instruction on How (Not) to Love’
2. Dr Alan Darmawan (SOAS, London), ‘Mapping Sumatra’s Manuscript Cultures’
Trinity Term Lecture
The Centre hosts the following lecture: P. Toth (Oxford), ‘In Quest of a Medieval Best-Seller: The Authorship of the Meditationes Vitae Christi’.
“Work in Progress” colloquium
The Centre hosts the following two talks: C. Gluchowski (Oxford), ‘Revising Devotion: Exploring Church Reform through Prayerbook MS. Lat. liturg. f. 4’; P. Rea (SSM Napoli / València), ‘Non ti maravigliare che io non mi distenda nelo scrivere: Female Autographs and Kinship in an Early-Modern Italian Epistolary Corpus’.
“Work in Progress” colloquium
The Centre hosts the following two talks: A. D’Angelo (Rome ‘Sapienza’), ‘Catullan marginalia in the 16th century: the books of Piero Vettori’; M. Schilling (Oxford), ‘A special form of devotion – personifications of time in late medieval prayer books from Northern Germany’.
Hilary Term Lecture
The Centre hosts the following lecture: Patrick Finglass (Bristol), ‘Edgar Lobel and the text of Sappho’.
“Work in Progress” colloquium
The Centre hosts the following two talks: A. Ellis (Bern), ‘“Greek” in the Medieval Latin Manuscripts of Josephus: Reconstructing the Philological Workings of a Late-Antique Translator’; S. De Martin (Oxford), ‘Reassessing the transmission of Strato com. fr. 1 K.-A.’
Michaelmas Term Lecture
The Centre hosts the following lecture: Mary Carruthers (NYU and Oxford), ‘Understanding Solid Figures in Early Medieval Manuscripts: how Rhetoric and Geometry interact’.
Provenance Unknown: TT 2023 Lecture
The Centre hosts the following lecture: Alexander Herman (Institute of Art and Law): ‘Don’t Turn That Page! The Legal Risks of Dealing in Unprovenanced Manuscripts’.
“Work in Progress” colloquium
The Centre hosts the following two talks: Marius Del Core (Pisa/Oxford), ‘Omitti possunt. Evidence for abridgement and athetesis in Plautine manuscripts’; Stefano Milonia (SSM Naples), ‘Super and Contra. Conversion and resemantisation of mediaeval French lyric in the Ludus super Anticlaudianum’.
Trinity Term Lecture
The Centre hosts the following lecture: Prof. Jean-Luc Fournet (Collège de France), ‘The End of a Script and the Beginning of a Myth: Hieroglyphs and the Greeks’.
Round Table
In celebration of the release of vol. 2 of Manuscript and Text Cultures, which takes an experimental approach of involving digital tools for the presentation of research in manuscript cultures, the Centre holds a round table on digital publishing and future research in manuscript studies.
Hilary Term Lecture
The Centre hosts the following lecture: Yannis Assael (Google DeepMind), ‘Predicting the past with deep neural networks’.
“Work in Progress” colloquium
The Centre hosts the following two talks: Giulia Colli (Pisa), ‘Interpolations in Greek Tragedy’; Enrico Prodi (UCL), ‘Commentary by excerpts: Didymus’ .
Michaelmas Term Lecture
The Centre hosts the following lecture: Mykola Tarasenko (Kyiv/Trinity College, Oxford): ‘What Can the “Greenfield Papyrus” (pLondon BM EA 10554) Tell Us about Its Owner?’
“Work in Progress” colloquium
The Centre hosts the following two talks: Benedetta Bessi (Venice/Stanford): ‘Towards a Digital Edition of the Liber insularum by Cristoforo Buondelmonti’; Joseph Mason (New College, Oxford): ‘Oral and Written Transmission in Old French Song: a reassessment’.
Second lunchtime colloquium, TT22
Our two speakers are: Giulia Dovico (Classics, Cologne), ‘Scholia on Euripides’ Medea. Remarks on the two main corpora’ and Celeste Pan (Jewish Studies, Balliol) ‘The Targumic Tosefta on Genesis 44:18. A Material History’.
“Work in progress” lunchtime colloquium
The Centre will host two online talks: “Ancient Slavery from the Perspective of the Papyri. New documents from Oxyrhynchus” by Amin Benaissa and “Liminal Landscapes: Childbirth and the Uncanny in Old Norse Literature” by Katherine Olley.