“Work in Progress” colloquium
11 January 2024
“Work in Progress” colloquium

The Centre hosts the following two talks: A. D’Angelo (Rome ‘Sapienza’), ‘Catullan marginalia in the 16th century: the books of Piero Vettori’; M. Schilling (Oxford), ‘A special form of devotion – personifications of time in late medieval prayer books from Northern Germany’.

Hilary Term Lecture
25 October 2023
Hilary Term Lecture

The Centre hosts the following lecture: Patrick Finglass (Bristol), ‘Edgar Lobel and the text of Sappho’.

“Work in Progress” colloquium
12 October 2023
“Work in Progress” colloquium

The Centre hosts the following two talks: A. Ellis (Bern), ‘“Greek” in the Medieval Latin Manuscripts of Josephus: Reconstructing the Philological Workings of a Late-Antique Translator’; S. De Martin (Oxford), ‘Reassessing the transmission of Strato com. fr. 1 K.-A.’ 

Michaelmas Term Lecture
Michaelmas Term Lecture

The Centre hosts the following lecture: Mary Carruthers (NYU and Oxford), ‘Understanding Solid Figures in Early Medieval Manuscripts: how Rhetoric and Geometry interact’.

Articulation of Silence from a Gendered Perspective
20 September 2023
Articulation of Silence from a Gendered Perspective

The Centre hosts the following conference: ‘Articulation of Silence from a Gendered Perspective’. The conference is co-organised by Dirk Meyer (University of Oxford), Lisa Indraccolo (Tallinn University), and Stefka G. Eriksen (University of Oslo).

Provenance Unknown: TT 2023 Lecture
15 May 2023
Provenance Unknown: TT 2023 Lecture

The Centre hosts the following lecture: Alexander Herman (Institute of Art and Law): ‘Don’t Turn That Page! The Legal Risks of Dealing in Unprovenanced Manuscripts’.

“Work in Progress” colloquium
27 April 2023
“Work in Progress” colloquium

The Centre hosts the following two talks: Marius Del Core (Pisa/Oxford), ‘Omitti possunt. Evidence for abridgement and athetesis in Plautine manuscripts’; Stefano Milonia (SSM Naples), ‘Super and Contra. Conversion and resemantisation of mediaeval French lyric in the Ludus super Anticlaudianum’.

Trinity Term Lecture
21 April 2023
Trinity Term Lecture

The Centre hosts the following lecture: Prof. Jean-Luc Fournet (Collège de France), ‘The End of a Script and the Beginning of a Myth: Hieroglyphs and the Greeks’.

Round Table
Round Table

In celebration of the release of vol. 2 of Manuscript and Text Cultures, which takes an experimental approach of involving digital tools for the presentation of research in manuscript cultures, the Centre holds a round table on digital publishing and future research in manuscript studies.