Michaelmas Term Lecture
18 November 2022
The Centre hosts the following lecture: Mykola Tarasenko (Kyiv/Trinity College, Oxford): ‘What Can the “Greenfield Papyrus” (pLondon BM EA 10554) Tell Us about Its Owner?’
Please register at this link (whether you are planning to attend in person or online): https://forms.gle/nEye2odPFrqV3DKGA
Abstract: In this lecture I shall discuss the papyrus of the Egyptian priestess Nesi-ta-nebet-asheru (pGreenfield), pLondon BM 10554 (21–22nd Dynasties). The unique composition of the text and the illustrations in this roll, along with its impressive length (40.53 m), will be contextualised by different factors, such as the social rank/status of the owner, their inclination for “innovative” actions in funerary ritual that was marked on the burial goods, and the anxiety about their real and posthumous position at the end of the Dynasty and possible family fraction.